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How to wash and clean your walls?

December 20, 2022

How to wash and clean your walls?

Washing those walls was a part of spring cleaning in the past, mainly because wall buildup was common when homes were heated with oil or wood furnaces. This task is not as important in modern homes, but it should still be done occasionally.

Tip: It's important to get rid of dust as often as possible. It's important to remove dust from surfaces and our homes.

Dust First, If Necessary

It is important to dust your walls before you clean them. We found that using a dry mop pad on the large-sized wall cleaner works best. Also, you could use a dry microfiber mop pad on a flooring cleaner. You can also use an extendable duster if you are only cleaning the edges and corners.

We have listed the various methods that we recommend. You can select what is most effective for you.

Microfiber Cleaning Cloth

Spot clean with microfiber cloths. Move from top to bottom, left to right, and up and down. You can work in sections and then dry the microfiber cleaning cloth with each section.

Castile Soap + Baking Soda

You can add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to your recipe. The baking soda will provide a gentle scrubber and cleaning power.

Large Floor/Wall Washer

Dust must be kept out of the home in order to maintain a clean environment, especially for those with allergies. This large floor/wall washer is excellent for cleaning walls quickly and efficiently. It also doubles up as a quick floor washer. You can also buy cotton terrycloth mop cloths for floors and walls - they are fantastic! A multi-purpose tool can be used for walls as well as floors.

You will need to gather all your supplies, depending on which method you prefer to use.

  • Dust corners and edges. Remove any cobwebs or dust from high- and low points.
  • Dust walls. After dusting the corners and edges, make sure to check for any damage that may be done.
  • Pick your method: spot clean, wash walls.

Tip: Use flat paint throughout the house. You can also keep some extra paint in a small container to quickly touch up with a small brush or roller if necessary. Flat paint allows seamless blending, whereas semi-gloss and eggshell paints require you to redo the entire wall.

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